Testimony Tirza H�bner
My name is TIRZA H�BNER, I am 19 years old and I am from Germany, N�rnberg.
I have been living in Lima for 6 weeks, but my purpose is to stay for one year, to help at Center Shama.
For me, the life here in Peru is very different to that in my country. Everything is faster, there is a lot of noise and traffic, but the people are very cheerful, affectionate and kind.
The work with the children in the street is very special and I really enjoy it , to help these children in their pain and suffering, I just want to be a light in these dark places.
The children are so glad and happy when they see us and it is really wonderful to have the possibility to give God's love to these children and to be a friend for them.
I think it is very important and necessary that people start to help these children, that raelly need it.
For me, the work with the kids is a big blessing!!